Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Post 00C

The Microsoft Kinect has really changed the face of gaming for most people.  I would refer you to links here where an autistic child is now into gaming because of the Kinect.  I would even refer you to links where people are reviewing it and having fun.  Furthermore, I will not stop there, and I will refer you to the 207 Yonge St. location where they're asking people to come around and give the thing a try.  Personally, I haven't given it a try, because I've been busy, but if you honestly think about it, the technology behind it is absolutely unbelievable.  However, there is one slight (and very annoying) issue that Microsoft never addressed when they developed this technology.

Originally dubbed "Project Natal", the concept behind the technology was simple: rather than have players sit all day and have a very mind-numbing gaming experience using a simple controller that really didn't get you anywhere, you could easily get involved and actually play the game the way you want to.  "You are the controller".  Essentially, it really makes people wanna jump around and be part of the game.  It encourages that children not be couch potatoes, and that gaming need not be for the gamers.  It reduces the learning curve on playing new games, and brings people and gaming consoles that much closer together.

Microsoft had spent billions and billions of dollars working on this technology, from research, prototype at E3 2 summers ago, to final production, rounding off at about $160 dollars for the sophisticated little camera/microphone attachment.  All of the work put in here never accounted for the most crucial part of the entire gaming system : the user.

Below are a few videos that will prove my point.  All it takes to ruin a very good piece of technology, is a user who doesn't know how to use it properly.

The Microsoft Kinect actually requires that people have at least 8 feet of space between the system and the user.  Also, it is also advised that there be some space AROUND the user.  I would personally recommend that there be at least 8 feet of space in all directions.  Unfortunately, that's not the case for people's homes these days.  With the rise in cost of housing, and lack of buying power, people usually settle for smaller houses, which, in turn really are not suitable for the Kinect at all.  However, if you do buy, please exercise caution.

Blurb of the day : You know you have an Asian mum when : she can't hear you on the cell phone, and still yells at you for being unresponsive.

LG cell phones are absolutely rubbish, I know it, you know it...don't buy it.

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